We’ve already seen so many court cases over copyright infringement. Sometimes, one artist has a similar idea to another artist and inadvertently makes a song that sounds similar. And sometimes it may be on purpose, who knows. The point is, you need to protect yourself. So let’s talk music copyright.
The Complicated Nature of Spotify Wrapped for Artists
It’s that time of year again. Artists are posting their Spotify Wrapped, a collection, synthesizing, and summarizing of their streaming stats. For some artists, it’s an encouraging season and it’s fun to celebrate with their fans. But for many artists, it’s a “dark night of the soul” type of vibe. It’s complicated. Here’s why, and here’s how you can approach it (this year or in future years).
A Case for Recording Your Songs Live (or Close To It)
Theo Katzman is a songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, solo artist, and member of the funk band Vulfpeck. And he recorded the songs on his album Be The Wheel live, all one takes, with a band, all straight to tape. It’s a bold move, but he has a clear reason for doing it this way.
The Point of Spotify Playlists Is Not Streams
How To Get Your Music on Spotify Playlists
If you were a 90s kid like me, you probably remember curating playlists before there were playlists. They were called mixtapes, or “burning a CD.” We put our favorite songs in one place so we could just hit play and know that every track would be awesome.
How Much Music Marketing Is Too Much?
Most indie musicians don’t have an oversaturation problem, it’s that they’re not getting seen enough. But it’s still possible to annoy the living heck out of your current audience if you’re not mindful of how you promote yourself. You need to have an online presence, but you also don’t want to be too present all the time. You need a healthy balance. So here’s how to do the right amount of music marketing…
How To Release Music on Spotify (Step-by-Step Process)
Even though Spotify’s streaming payouts are currently atrocious, your music still needs to be available on the platform.