August’s issue features Mark Kavuma, Meraki and TRYPL.
New Jazz From London: Top 20 Paradigm Shifting Albums
Review: Mark Kavuma 'The Banger Factory'
All About Jazz 2019 Selections: Mark Kavuma & Camilla George Share the Spotlight
Camilla gets ‘We Can’t Wait’ Award!
Kavuma's Killer Review
SJM’s Jim Burlong writes, “It had been another night of great jazz played before an ever more enthusiastic New Generation Jazz audience. “
The Banger Factory Earns Another Killer Album Review
Jazz Journal writes, “At a time when too many new and young bands strive too hard for effect, Kavuma’s Banger Factory stands out for its consummate control and mature restraint, producing here a strong statement that exudes style and panache. This band deserves all the praise that is currently coming its way.”
Three British Labels are Deep in Dialogue with the American Jazz Tradition
Martin Hummel explains, ““I think we all tend to have a much more open and broader perspective on life and the world than we had previously. So, as a result, I don’t think it’s the U.S. [alone] that takes the lead. I think it’s the U.S. that’s leading with other very interesting developed communities of music in other countries.”
Another Thumbs Up for The Banger Factory!
Hi-Fi News & Record review magazine writes, “It’s the feeling of the whole that makes this music so enjoyable.”
Jazz Views Praises Kavuma's Banger Factory!
Eddie myer writes, “There’s an infectious feeling of joy and mutual excitement in this recording - Ben Lamdin’s warm, clear Fish Market Studio recording captures the sound of a group of young players delighting in each other’s company, united by a real affection and understanding for the music. Recommended.”
Ubuntu Music in September's Sussex Jazz News
Mark Kavuma, O’Higgins & Luft, paul Booth and Bonsai lead the way…